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Category Archives: Health & Beauty

How to eat “eggs” according to your age?

As you know, eggs are a good source of protein. In addition to being low in calories It is also rich in various nutrients that are beneficial to the body. Including iron, calcium, phosphorus, choline, vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, B6, vitamin E, as well as folate, lecithin,

Facts about freckles

Facts about freckles. In addition to acne and wrinkles on the face Another thing that often causes concern for young women. not least is the blemishfreckles making girls’ faces dull, consult a doctor, get laser treatment, use cream to apply, it’s been better for a whilecame back

Tips on how choose food help slow down aging

Tips on how to choose food to help slow down aging. How do you choose to eat today? fast food Deli or bagged food along the way. The fast-paced life causes you to eat just to be satisfied. more than for health without regardto the detrimental effect on health. Try changing

Precautions for Botox injections

Precautions for Botox injections Q: Nowadays, people are injecting Botox a lot.  But very few people know. Which group of people should not inject Botox. Is there a person with a disease. That is consider forbidden for Botox? And if injected, what might be the negative

What children diseases prone to?

What children diseases prone to? with environment dining and lifestyle changes. That make the new generation. They are exposed to more toxins and pollution around them, making them more vulnerable to various diseases, for example: Allergies, respiratory disease Eye disease that comes with excessive use of technologyChildren nowadays