Having good nutrition is the starting point for good health. As the saying goes, “You are what you eat,” everyone can do it by themselves. By choosing to eat food from all 5 food groups in appropriate amounts. Emphasis on vegetables and fruits of all 5 colors. It is accepted among health lovers that fruits are beneficial foods. Because it contains dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and various antioxidants. Studies have found that changing behavior to eat more fruits and vegetables will help reduce the risk of developing various chronic diseases (Liu, 2003), fruits with relatively high levels of antioxidants include oranges, strawberries, and grapefruit (Wang, et al., 1996). In addition, it was found that Prunes are a health-boosting fruit that many people know well for helping the digestive system work well.
But few people know that prunes also provide many benefits. Prunes are high in nutrients that are beneficial to the body, such as vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin K, as well as minerals such as iron, boron, potassium, magnesium, calcium. http://ufabet999.app They are also rich in both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Therefore helps you feel full longer and helps in the digestive system. There are also studies on the benefits of prunes regarding their antioxidant effects. Prevent heart and blood vessel disease Reduce cholesterol Reduce blood fat Control blood sugar levels and helps strengthen bone mass
Prunes and their benefits for weight control and type 2 diabetes
Prunes are high in water-soluble dietary fiber. Thus helping to slow down the digestion and absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. And it also helps you feel full longer. Therefore, it may help in controlling body weight. Although prunes are high in carbohydrates, they do not cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly. This is because prunes are high in dietary fiber. Therefore, it has a low glycemic index, with a low Glycemic Load (GL) of only 9.57 and a Glycemic Index (GI) of only 29, thus helping to control blood sugar levels, which is a good result. Therefore, it may help in preventing type 2 diabetes (Foster-Powell, 2002).
Prune with benefits for strengthening bones
When talking about the problem of osteoporosis Many people probably think that it is a problem of women, especially women in menopausal age. But the research data found that Men are also at risk for osteoporosis. Reduced levels of sex hormones cause an imbalance in the bone repair process. There will be a higher rate of bone destruction than creation. A study of the nutritional value of 100 grams of prunes found that it contains equal amounts of calcium and magnesium, approximately 50 milligrams, and 80 milligrams of phosphorus, although this is not a high proportion. But the phytochemicals in prunes help with the absorption of these minerals needed to build bone mass.
Recently, Arjmandi B and colleagues (2016) conducted a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study to study the effects of prune consumption on bone formation. The study was conducted on 160 female volunteers with osteoporosis. The first group was given 100 grams of prunes continuously. Compared to a control group that ate apples Bone mass was measured using DXA. It was found that the group that ate prunes had significantly increased bone mineral density in the spinal cord and forearm compared to the control group. It was also found that this group was able to retain bone mass 5 years after the experiment, even though they did not eat prunes continuously